2021 Messaging Workshop LIVE

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Host:   Lisa Dennis, President, Knowledgence Associates

Landing a deal depends on relevant, consistent messaging to prospects in their language about their priorities.  Join Lisa Dennis, author of Value Propositions that Sell, and her guests, to talk marketing and sales messaging that drives results.

Watch the show the first Tuesday of every month on The Sales Expert Channel onbrighttalk

The Messaging Workshop LIVE - Episode 12

The Messaging Workshop - Year in Review

What did we learn in 2021 and what will we do differently in 2022 – video highlights of this year’s show.

The Messaging Workshop LIVE - Episode 11

Building Your 2022 Playbook

Getting ready to hit 2022 with an integrated messaging framework.

The Messaging Workshop LIVE - Episode 10

Competitive Messaging

Landing a deal depends on relevant, consistent messaging to prospects in their language about their priorities.

The Messaging Workshop LIVE - Episode 9

Messaging Research Review

Discussion on what marketing and sales leaders have shared from our recent research – areas of focus and change.

The Messaging Workshop LIVE - Episode 7

Marketing & Sales Messaging

Connected but Different:  Determining the differences between marketing & sales messaging and how to integrate them.

The Messaging Workshop LIVE - Episode 6

CMO Feedback from Research Interviews

CMOs share what’s working and what’s not in B2B messaging. What kind of challenges & successes are today’s CMOs having with messaging?

The Messaging Workshop LIVE - Episode 5

Feedback From The Field

A Sales Leader talks about messaging. Getting Sales Messaging right – a look at the challenges & successes.

The Messaging Workshop LIVE - Episode 4

Messaging for your Channel Partners

How do you pull messaging through to channel partners to get them to communicate and sell your offerings?

The Messaging Workshop LIVE - Episode 3

ABM Messaging

Taking it to the Account – the finer points of ABM Messaging

campaign messaging workshop live ep2
The Messaging Workshop LIVE - Episode 2

Campaign Messaging

Campaign messaging that drives buyer engagement. How to zero in on the right message and words at the campaign level.

messaging workshop live ep1
The Messaging Workshop LIVE - Episode 1

Kickoff & Introduction

Introduction – purpose and objectives of the monthly workshop, announce line-up of topic and speakers.

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